In Japan, 20 years old is very special.
People calls 20 years old people hatachi in Japanese.
Hatachi is one of turning points in the life because 20 years old people are regarded as adult in the society. They can get voting rights, drinking alcohols and smoking. It indicates that they have to have responsibility for their behavior.
At the same time, on third Monday in January, it is called coming of age day, and it is holiday. It is also called成人の日(Seijin-no-hi) in Japanese. ‘成’(sei) literally means developed or completed or sufficient. ‘人’ (jin) literally means people or person. ‘日’(hi) literally means a day. And coming of age day, people who became 20 in previous year and will become 20 until April in the year have a ceremony by city or small town. It is one of Japanese tradition.
In that day, almost all men just wear recruit suits and a few men wear hakama (袴). It does not cost so much, because most men do not buy new suits for that day and they do not decorate their hair and makeup. However, women’s schedules are so hard in that day. They have to get up early in the morning to put on makeup gorgeously, and then go to beauty salon to have their hair up and decorate, and finally they wear furisode. After that, they go to the ceremony. Despite the ceremony is only about three hours, women pay much money and spend uncomfortable day. However, furisode is exclusively beautiful, and most women wear furisode only twice in their lives. One is coming of age day, the other is marriage. Therefore, it is very precious time for women to wear traditional Japanese clothes. And most women take pictures another day of before that ceremony. Usually those pictures have been used for marriage meetings. They are called miai-shashin (見合い写真).
Coming of age day ceremony has another exciting event, class reunion. It is called dosokai (同窓会) in Japanese. Dosokai (同窓会) is meeting of people who studied from same teachers or in the same class. After the ceremony, junior or high school friends gather and talking and eating and drinking together. Most people go to college or technical college, so they merely meet and hang out. Therefore class reunion is absolutely good opportunity to look back on their school life or to talk about their future plan.
1 件のコメント:
Coming of Age Day is certainly an interesting and important topic. As you say, the current age of adulthood in japan is 20. However some politicians want to change the age to 18.
How do you feel about that? Also, it might have been nice to include more of your own comments and feelings about your own ceremony. A picture of males in a hakama would be good as well.
As for your blog, you might want to have some text that introduces your blog and lets the reader know what it is and why you are doing it.
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