Japan has a traditional concept. It is housework is for female and work for male. Most fathers leave home early in the morning and go home late at night, and also I often see mothers who ride bycicle with two children almost every day. It means that to take care of children is regarded as abslutely mothers’ work. So, traditionally holidays are only days that fathers take care of their children and children can play with their all family menbers. It is said that most boys play catch with their father. That’s why I think these pictures represent one of Japanese culture.

This culture is really important for us, because this situation also represent the condition of Japanese society. For example, still now to take care of children is regarded as exclusively female’s job; however, if male starts to take care of children rather than female, we must see different Japanese family style and it shows that the moment of generating new Japanese culture. So we need to keep our eye open Japanese families.
1 件のコメント:
Another student briefly discusses these issues as well this week - and made the claim that the situation is changing.
Your text is a little general and vague. What point are you trying to make? Are you happy with the current situation? Do you want to see it change? How is this subject important to Japan?
The action in the photos takes place far away so they are not so easy to see. What is the relationship between your photos and your text other than fathers not working on Sundays and playing with their children (do you know this to be true or are you making assumptions? i.e. did you talk with the people in the photos?)?
Also, what is the link at the end of your post for? Are you using that book somehow to get information for your post? Are you recommending that we read it? Why?
You do well with the presentation framework of this post - pictures, text, link. But you need to work on the quality of the content.